Augrabies Falls National Park

Just over an hours drive from the town of Upington you will find the Augrabies Falls National Park. As the name suggests this national park is located around the Augrabies Waterfalls and stretches along the Orange River.

The original Khoikhoi people named the waterfall “Ankoerebis” meaning “The place of big noises”, giving you an idea of the sheer power and size of this waterfall. Spectacular views in the evenings as the main falls are lit up between 20h00 – 22h00.

Another landmark and attraction in the park would need to be the Moon Rock, a large exfoliation dome measuring around 700m by 100m and 30m high, providing one of the best views of the park.

The Shepherd’s Tree which can be found in the area holds a profound reference to the Khoi and San communities and destruction or removal of the tree are strictly forbidden.