Echo Caves

The Echo Caves are set in precambrian dolomite rock close to the town of Ohrigstad in the Limpopo province of South Africa. These rocks date back to more than 3500 million years when Africa was still part of the Gondwana continent, estimated to be some of the oldest caves in the world along with the Sudwala Caves situated approximately 160km (100 miles) away.

These caves were discovered in 1923 on the farm called Klipfonteinhoek by the farmer who went looking for water when some of his cattle mysteriously disappeared. To his astonishment he discovered the caves and after some exploring found that the cave was home to precious gems and stone age artefacts which is now housed in the museum of man based next to the caves. The Echo Caves got its name years ago from the locals who used the stalactites as a type of drum to warn of any approaching Swazis, creating an echo through the cave network traveling warning other locals of approaching danger.

Guided tours are available and last approximately an hour taking you past impressive stalagmites and stalactites, viewed comfortably from walkways and staircases illuminated by lights for safety and convenience. Extended tours can be arranged for the more adventurous and this tour explores more than 2km of the cave network.

These caves extend more than 40km and it is said the end has not yet been found and exploring is ongoing, some of the latest discoveries include the Madonna and the Crystal Palace which is one of the most stunning halls. The extended tour is not recommended for people that suffer from claustrophobia or a phobia for narrow and dark spaces.

  • Adventure Type:
  • Country:
    South Africa
  • Province:
  • City/Town:
  • Rating:
  • Difficulty:
  • Duration:
    1 Hour