Bungee Jumping and Big Swings

If you are a more adventurous traveler or just someone looking to get your adrenaline going, there is no shortage of bungee jumping, big swings or zip lining scattered all over the African continent. Options ranging from throwing yourself of bridges, cranes, mountain valleys and even helicopters and hot air balloons.

South Africa is home to the Bloukrans bungee in the Garden Route, which is famous for being the highest bungee jump from a bridge in the world. One other spectacular jump would have to be Victoria Falls which is one of the seven natural wonders of the world, located on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. Uganda has the Nile High Nubgee in Jinja, and Kenya you can jump at the Rapids Camp Sagana along with many other activities.

Big Swings are usually found at the same places where you can bungee jump, if you prefer to swing rather than falling directly to the ground as you would with bungee jumping. Swings and also Zip lines are located throughout the continent with many lodges and resorts having their own private ones for visiting guests or even day visitors.